Monday, March 10, 2014

Is My Low Back Pain Serious?

     There are many causes of back pain.  It is sometimes tough to make the call of when to see a professional, however, you should always err on the side of caution.  Here are a few red flags that should prompt you to seek the help of a chiropractor.
     If the pain came on within a short period of time from doing a highly strenuous activity.  This may have been lifting an object while bending over or may be from sitting, bending over, rotation of the trunk, or some combination of these activities.  These activities often result in significant increases in the pressure within the vertebral disc.  This often leads to tearing of the ligaments which contain the disc.  Proper care and treatment of such injuries will reduce the healing time and help prevent future injuries.
     If the pain which begins in your low back starts to travel down one or both legs.  This indicates that the nerve supplying to that region of the leg is being irritated due to trauma and inflammation around the nerve.  This most commonly occurs at the nerves point of departure from the spinal canal, between the vertebrae of the spine.  While a herniated disc is often the culprit, there are many other tissues in this region that can cause similar symptoms.  It is important that a professional determines which tissue is involved and sets forth a treatment sequence that will effectively facilitate healing.
     If ones low back pain is combined with significant changes in urination or defecation frequency, then there may be a more serious involvement.   On occasion the spinal canal can narrow due to injuries to either the disc or the ligaments surrounding and lining the spinal canal.  This narrowing can cause pressure on the spinal cord itself.  This situation is one that needs immediate attention and should not be ignored.
     If ones low back pain is present while they sleep there is additional reason to be concerned.  Of course tossing and turning at night may cause one to use muscles and joints that are injured, thereby causing them to experience pain.  On the contrary pain that wakes one even in the absence of motion should be of concern.  When one has a bone tumor it can irritate the periosteum of the bone and cause this type of pain.  Chiropractors are trained to identify when this may be a possibility and determine if further studies or evaluation from an oncologist are in order.
     Most first episodes of low back pain are self limiting, i.e. they will return to a pain free state with no treatment at all.  However, incomplete healing of the damaged tissues leaves the individual with a weakness that is much easier to reinjure in the future.  Professionals, such as chiropractors, will not only assist one in their recovery from injuries, but will also instruct their patients in proper management of the human frame.  
     "The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame." -Thomas Edison

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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Sweet Truth

     If you are anything like me, you search the internet looking for justification for your indulgences.  Chocolate is one of those indulgences that needs no justification, however, guilt is a terrible thing.  It is never a good idea to overindulge in any one kind of food, and one you should always scrutinize the form of the food in which you are consuming.  With this in mind let's examine the claims posted at, concerning chocolate.
     The first claim is that chocolate can decrease stroke risk.  They cite a 2011 Swedish study that women whose weekly consumption of chocolate is 45 grams or higher have 20% less risk of stroke compared to women who ate less than 9 grams per week.   While the cited study appears to be of sufficient size (30,000 participants) it does not address the composition of the chocolate that was consumed. 
    The components that is most likely responsible for the above seen effect are the flavonoids.  Flavonoids are antioxidant molecules which have been shown to have many positive health effects.  In this case it is believed that they prevent the oxidation of bad cholesterol.  In turn the bad cholesterol is found to be a major component of atherosclerosis which is implicated in both stroke and heart disease.
    Consequently it has been shown in other studies that there is an enzyme in milk that deactivates antioxidants.   Chocolate with a higher concentration milk and thereby a lower percent cacao would have less antioxidant capability present.  Milk chocolate also has a higher sugar content.  Sugar is a pro-inflammatory substance in the body.  Considering the fact that systemic inflammation, low blood  pH and high blood pressure are likely the major culprits in initiating vascular wall damage which is the precursor to stroke and heart disease, lower sugar concentrations would be indicated.
     A secondary effect of flavonoids is that they have been shown to increase the production of nitric oxide.  Additionally nitric oxide has been shown to increase sensitivity to insulin.  This may indicate evidence that moderate use of dark chocolate may assist in those with insulin resistant diabetes.
     The next obvious question would be "Is white chocolate better for you than brown chocolate?"  The straight answer is NO.  The primary ingredients of white chocolate are sugar and fat, in the form of cocoa butter.  These are the two components of chocolate that are undesirable.
     Based on this fact alone it can be argued that if the Swedish study was repeated with the insistence that the chocolate be of high percent cacao, with lower sugar and milk components,  the results may be even greater than 20% and if the incidence of heart disease in the same population were tracked there would be a similar positive effect shown there. 
    So by this point you may feel justified in an Augustus Gloop level of indulgence, however, chocolate is not the only source of flavonoids.   They are also present in tomatoes, onions, cabbage, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries,  apples, parsley and several types of legumes.   Due to the milk enzyme that reduces the effectiveness of antioxidants one would be justified in not consuming these foods in combination with dairy products that would negate their positive effects.

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Become the Best YOU Ever!

     Chiropractic care can help you perform at your optimum.  The following article describes how this is true.
     Proprioception is the ability of our body to sense were all of its parts are at any given time.  Within each muscle there are sensory receptors that tell the brain the length of the muscle as well as whether it is lengthening or shortening at the time.  The brain in turn uses this information to determine the precise location of each and every bone of the body.
When we attempt to perform precise and accurate changes in motion in a short period of time, our brain relies on the accuracy of this information, which is traveling over the nerves.  These receptors transmit the required information over the nerves whose pathways take them into the spine through small gaps between the vertebrae of the spinal column into the spinal canal and upward to the brain.  Unimpeded travel of these signals is necessary for accurate interpretation of this proprioceptive input.
Batting is all about proprioception
     The nature of nerve signal transmission leaves it highly susceptible to interference.  A nerve signal is transmitted by electrolytes moving in and out of the nerve cell in a progressive fashion down the nerve.  It has been shown that pressures on the nerve equivalent to the weight of 2 quarters is all that is required to interfere with nerve signal transmission.
     When spinal segments are improperly aligned with respect to each other, the small gaps between the bones through which the nerve passes, narrow adding pressure to the nerve.  In general this happens every time one leans to side or rotates, however, most of such motions are temporary.  When spinal segments are stuck together these pressures can exist for prolonged periods of time.  The outcome of which may be either decrease or increase of the nerve signal being communicated to the brain.
     Spinal subluxation (abnormally placed and fixated bones) therefore, may lead to inappropriate nerve signal messages arriving at the brain.  These inaccuracies will cause the brain to misinterpret the position of the body and in turn cause an inability of the brain to reproducibly make the changes for precise and accurate movement, leading to uncoordinated movement.
     Athletes, as well as any person engaging in activities that require a high level of hand eye coordination, need to train to improve performance.  However, this training and coordination is relying on the fact that sensory input can be accurately conveyed to the brain and matched with an appropriate level of motor control output.  Impedance, such as subluxation, can make such precise training outcomes difficult or impossible.
     Are you training to become the best at your sport, activity or skill?  If so, before you spend hours upon hours fruitlessly exerting yourself to make improvements, you owe it to yourself to ensure that subluxation is not preventing you from achieving your very best.  Chiropractors, are specifically trained to identify such subluxations and remove them.  Schedule an evaluation today to determine if your performance can be improved so that you can be the best you ever.  If you are not in the Danbury, CT area, call our office and we may be able to provide you the name of a Chiropractor in your area

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